Top 5 Free and paid Google map Plugins for wordpress website 2022

Last Updated on September 3, 2022 by Rabbitoo

Google Map plugin is very useful for website owner by which owners display their physical location on map within few steps . In this article i will share you Top 5 Free and paid Google map Plugins for wordpress website 2022 .

Top 5 Free and paid Google map Plugins for wordpress website 2022

  1. WP Go Maps
  2. WP MAPS
  3. Maps Widget for Google Maps
  4. Easy Google Maps
  5. Simple Shortcode for GoogleMaps

How to install mentioned above pulgin in wordpress website ?

1- Fristly , Open your wordpress site portal on your device then click on rightside pulgins after that ”Add New” .

How to install mentioned above pulgin in wordpress website ?

2- Afterwards A new page will be appear then you have to search plugin which you want to install .

How to install mentioned above pulgin in wordpress website ?

3- Once , plugin installed after that you have to active .

How to install mentioned above pulgin in wordpress website ?

1 – WP Go Maps

WP Go Maps plugin , Top 5 free & paid Google map Plugins for wordpress website 2022
Plugin NameWP Go Maps
Active Installations +400,000
Average Rating 5/5
Pricing both free & Paid
Professional Edition price$39.99

WP Go Maps Free Version Features

  • Create many map by simply typing in the address
  • Responsive maps
  • Elementor Map block
  • Drag map markers to an exact location
  • Google Maps Streetview supported
  • UTF-8 character support
  • Map widget functionality
  • Full screen map functionality
  • Support for localization
  • Google maps types :- roadmap, terrain, satellite and hybrid
  • Decide your own width, height and zoom level for your map
  • Add animations to your map .
  • Store locator functionality
  • Restrict a store locator search by country
  • Add Polygons to your Map
  • Add Polylines / Routes to your map
  • No advertising or links
  • Google Maps Transport Layer
  • Set the max zoom level for your map
  • Serve your map marker data via your database or an XML file
  • Google Maps API
  • OpenLayers API

WP Go Maps Professional Edition or paid version featurs

  • Create multiple maps.
  • Allow your visitors to get directions to your markers.
  • Add descriptions, links and images to your map markers.
  • Filter markers by category
  • Add different marker icons, or your own icons to make your map really stand out!
  • List your map markers in the four ways; basic list, basic table, carousel, advanced table
  • Allow visitors to use their map location as the starting or ending point for the directions
  • Choose between the Default Google Maps Infowindow and the new Modern Infowindow
  • Export/Import your markers to a CSV file for quick editing.
  • Link Fusion tables to your Google Maps
  • Show your visitor’s location on the Map
  • Import KML/KMZ files to your map
  • More advanced options for the Store Locator
  • Allow users to use their map location for the store locator
  • Store locator search by category
  • Hide all map markers until a store locator search is done
  • Move your marker list inside the map window
  • Multiple map widget functionality
  • Add retina-ready map marker icons


WP MAPS plugin ,Top 5 free & paid Google map Plugins for wordpress website 2022
Plugin NameWP MAPS – Easiest & Most Advanced WordPress Plugin for Google Maps
Active Installations +100,000
Average Rating 4.5/5
versionBoth free & Paid
Pro versionc Priceupdate soon

WP MAPS Lite version or free version features

  •  Add unlimited locations with information.
  • Show information window message to any location.
  • Display Maps on posts/pages using shortcode.
  • Decide your own Google Map center latitude and longitude and map height and width.
  •  Four map type :- Roadmap , Satellite , Hybrid , Terrain
  • Display real time traffic conditions and overlays using Layers with  Street view supported
  • Fully Responsive.
  • Multi-lingual Supported.

WP MAPS Pro version features

  • Display listing in grid or list style under map
  • Map Layers : – Display Traffic Layer , Bicycling Layer, Transit layer
  • Import Export Locations supported
  • Directions & Route Suggestion.
  •  Display Posts Information, custom fields, taxonomies and featured images on infowindow message using placeholders.
  • Unlimited number of map markers and locations.
  • custom animation support .
  • Display location title, location category, location latitude, location longitude with location message in the infowindow.
  • Create unlimited maps and display on posts/pages using shortcode .
  • Multi-lingual Supported.
  • zoom control, map type control, scale control, street view control, fullscreen and rotate control support.

3- Maps Widget for Google Maps

 Maps Widget for Google Maps  , Top 5 free & paid Google map Plugins for wordpress website 2022
Plugin NameMaps Widget for Google Maps
Active Installations +60,000
Average Rating 4.5/5
versionBoth free & Paid
Pro version Priceupdate soon

Maps Widget for Google Maps features

  • Custom your google map size – map width & map height.
  • Choose any google map type :-  road map, satellite map, terrain map, hybrid map, or custom map image to save money on API calls (PRO only)
  • Google map color schemes – Default , blue , bright, gowalla, gray, gray , mapbox, midnight, neon, refreshed, paper, ultra light + any custom google map style you build in PRO VERSION .
  • 1500+ map pins library in PRO VERSION
  • lightbox map, custom URL, replace thumbnail map with interactive google map (PRO VERSION), immediately show interactive google map (PRO) or disable link
  • By using the shortcode you can display the google map in any page, post, or custom post type (PRO VERSION)
  • Add unlimited pins with custom markers and descriptions to thumbnail and interactive Google maps (PRO VERSION)

4- Easy Google Maps

 Easy Google Maps  plugin , Top 5 free & paid Google map Plugins for wordpress website 2022
Plugin NameEasy Google Maps
Active Installations +40,000
Average Rating 4.5/5
versionBoth free & Paid
Pro version Priceupdate soon

Easy Google Maps features

  • Unlimited number of map markers and locations
  • Map Markers with description. Text, images, video, email, phone
  • Full responsive
  • Add map by using shortcode or PHP code
  • Google Maps and Markers Import and Export
  • Social Share Buttons
  • Horizontal and Vertical slider view
  •  Horizontal and Vertical Description Slidertable-view
  • KML layers, import and filters
  • & many more

5- Simple Shortcode for GoogleMaps

Simple Shortcode for GoogleMaps plugin ,   Top 5 free & paid Google map Plugins for wordpress website 2022
Plugin NameSimple Shortcode for GoogleMaps
Active Installations +7000
Average Rating 4.5/5
versionBoth free & Paid
Pro version Priceupdate soon

Simple Shortcode for GoogleMaps features

  • Very easy to use
  • Add map by using shortcode

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